Posters & Flyers

Gaoler’s Daughter – Gig Flyer

Promo for Gaoler’s Daughter.

A quick flyer to promote the release of their latest single ‘St. Peter’ and advertise future gigs.

Branding Featured Internet Posters & Flyers SEO Stationery Web Design

Pin High Golfing Holidays

We were approached recently by the directors of Pin High Golfing Holidays. Based in Murcia, Pin High asked us to come up with a brand for their new online venture of exclusive all-inclusive golfing holiday packages – a tough market considering our location in Spain!

The thinking behind the logo was to incorporate something ‘golfy’ without using a ball to replace an ‘O’ or a pin flag for any upright!

Their brief to us also helped, and it was a simple one:

We don’t want the logo to have a golfer swinging a club or be green in anyway!

Disciplines used within this project:
• Branding
• Web Design
• Print Design – Business Stationery & Flyers