Brochures Print Design

Suffolk Weddings – DL Brochure

After producing the Suffolk Weddings accommodation website, we were asked to produce accompanying printed literature.

After a few seasons of advertising their self-catered holiday accommodation, and always being asked about weddings, the Tallamy family decided that they needed their own site specifically for the wedding market.

The initial design concept for the site is based around a simple wedding brochure in order to guide the user through what is offered and to generate ideas for their special day.

The A5 brochure is still awaiting some final images which, due to bad weather, have been delayed. This DL brochure is an interim solution as demand for Weddings in Suffolk is growing!

Disciplines used within this project:
• Design for Print
• Branding
• Print Management

Suffolk Weddings website

Branding Corporate Clothing

ChiliGames – Clothing Branding

If you need high quality mid-way games and amusements for the leisure industry, ChiliGames Ltd. are your best bet!

Whether for a major chain of theme parks or a one-off festival, ChiliGames Ltd. provide a sizzling games solution to enhance your visitor experience and help you generate more revenue.

With ChiliGames’ staff having such a public face, it is important that all their visible staff convey a ChiliGames in a positive and friendly light. This is where their work-wear, clothing and vehicle livery plays an important role.

Our brief was simple – make it HOT!

The original logo was simplified for screen printing and corporate clothing use plus other variations were created for posters, vinyl banners and vehicle sign writing.

Disciplines used within this project:
• Branding
• Corporate Clothes Branding

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